Aug 4, 2012

Lost Canyon 2012: 11

Day Twenty Seven
August 4th, 2012

It has been a wild ride...  The month has flown by.  Lots of laughs, smiles, hugs, meals, 
good and hard conversations, prayers, sodas, frolf sessions and above all... 
lots of folks hearing the Greatest News of all time:

"God loves us"
"We sin"
"God loves anyway"

It has been a privilege to serve and to include you, the readers of this blog, in the journey.  
I am still unpacking some of the things that God has spoken to me this month and I will gladly share those thoughts in the next few days, but for now, I wanted to simply share this...

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

That's it.  That's the truth and that's the Gospel.  

Thank you for your prayers, thank your for your encouragement, thank you for your support.
Be blessed to know that your partnership, while not physically here, helped change ETERNITY!

This is a picture of the 2012 Summer Staff (college students) who have volunteered for a month to serve kids up here at camp.  Pictured in this photo are 6 leaders from Northwest Phoenix.
Jaime, Joe, Eric,Michael, Teeka, Heather - thank you for serving!
 The start of the Ultimate Leader Challenge...
402 students and leaders forming a congo line to jump in the pool with all their clothes on! 
Sunset on night 5... the message of the Cross this night.  By sheer framing of the photo and no intentionality, there is a Cross in the upper right hand corner.  Pretty fun coincidence.
Our last YL club of the summer... taken as kids come streaming in from all around!
 This photo was taken this morning of the downtown San Diego group... in the circle are leaders and students who, this WEEK, have made a commitment to submit their lives to Jesus.  How awesome!

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