Jul 23, 2012

Lost Canyon 2012: 8

Day Sixteen
July 23rd, 2012

Jesus Calling
As a gift, I was given this book, JESUS CALLING for Christmas this past year.  The timing for the book was right after a good friend passed away... I've read it off and on through the last 6 months to mixed reviews, but the last few weeks have been incredible.  It is written in a first person view (from scripture) of Jesus speaking to whoever is reading it.  
It's very cool!

Here are a few things that have stood out and what God has taught me through them:

"DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW! This is not a suggest, but a command. My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time; trusting in Me brings you directly into My presence. Enjoy My presence continually by trusting in Me at all times."

This past year has been tough.  It's been hectic, challenging, fun, energizing, tiring, stressful, wonderful, joyous, depressing, grief stricken, blessed... It's been full.  Hearing and seeing these words was very filling for my soul.

"Come Away With Me for a while. You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. I have called YOU to follow Me. This is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. As you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you."

If you can't see yourself in this, you are either lying or you can write down how you avoid this and teach me your secrets! Camp is hectic, but for me the transition into leading the Northwest Valley Young Life area was SOOOOOO BUSSSYYYYYY! Many things, demanding much time and leaving very little for me to bargain with on my own.  Thank God for this reminder!

"Find Freedom through seeking to please Me above all else. You can have only ONE Master. When you let others' expectations drive you, you scatter your energy to the winds. I am your Master and I do not drive you to be what you are not. Concentrate on staying close to Me at all times. It is possible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on My presence."

You can have ONLY ONE MASTER. I know that far too often I let my desire to please others and to earn others applause get in my way of actually paying attention to God moving in my life. I want to be a person who remains focused on Jesus and Jesus alone. 

Anything stand out to you as you read these quotes? Keep praying for us up here at camp... We are on day 2 of week 3. Pray for Andrew for SoCal. He is "too cool" for camp. But I can tell he wants to dive in. I pray God will find him, reach him, change him - this week. 

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