Jul 20, 2012

Lost Canyon 2012: 6

Day Thirteen

July 20th, 2012

It's day 5 already of Young Lives week.  Last night, Lee Ann shared the greatest news ever told. She shared how the answer to our greatest NEED is that Jesus' sacrifices himself in our place.  He exchanged His life for ours through willingly laying down His own for ours.

This week has flown by... It's been busy and slow at the same time.  The flow is so different than a typical Young Life week because there is time for girls to drop babies off at nurseries in between every event.  This makes the energy throughout camp like a roller coaster... Even though the schedule is more flexible, it feels just as draining and exhausting.

You can pray for my family up here... Laura is transitioning back to being a mommy and primarily hanging with Ellie, I am going to be just as busy if not more as we hit weeks 3 and 4.  It'll also be their last week here... Laura needs to head home for work at the end of the week.
We are trying to be intentional with our time up here.  I am trying to put Ellie to bed as much as possible and those have been some really sweet times... 

If you could pray for there to be space to keep doing that, that would be awesome!

Here are a few shots from the last few days at camp...
 We got the chance to coordinate pony rides for the moms and their babies.  It was so sweet to watch these little ones get to ride a horse around camp...
This little guy got tuckered out after riding the ponies for about 30 minutes...
We used an 8 foot beach ball for a game in Club one night this week and I thought it would be fun to take it to some of the nurseries and let the kiddos play with it.  Here is one little boy trying to push it!
 Then I got it stuck trying to get it through the doors... 
Here is Lee Ann bringing the truth of Jesus' love for us last night at Club.

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